City park portable computer survival guide

I used to love to type my texts inside the local city park, using my old portable PC. At first this seemed nearly impossible. Wherever I tried to sit down I had light reflections on the screen. It made looking at the screen painful and no serious work was possible. The screen content was hardly visible. Finally I found out following tricks. The combination of them all yields excellent results. I typed the current text in the park.
Xerox owns the patent of a paper-thin Black & White screen that relies solely on ambient light. It's like a sheet of paper you would have written on with a black pen. It has no brightness problems and few light reflections. But this wonder never was brought into production. Possibly send a mail to Xerox to complain.

The light reflections are not the only problem. Other tricks may apply:
Do try out the opposite of what I advise in this text. Your computer is not the same as mine and you're not me either.

Eric Brasseur  -  August 20 2003  till  January 6 2007       [ Homepage | ]